8 Cutting Edge Veterinary Technology Examples


Techdigitalweb – Just like technology in human medicine, you can find various kinds of veterinary technology that can be considered cutting edge. It might be hard to believe that these technologies exist but they are and they can bring the veterinary world move further ahead.

1. Equine Inhaler

What kind of veterinary technology comes to your mind? Some of them might be pretty familiar with human health technology, like inhalers. It is not a new thing in human health technology especially since many people have to deal with asthma. Asthma is not a rare thing in the world of horses. About 14-80% of horses in various populations can be affected by equine asthma. The horses with asthma will get relief from the inhaler just like it the handheld inhaler can help people with difficulty of breathing and lung inflammation. When the horse can breathe easily, the owner will be able to breathe easily as well.

2. Pet Fitness Trackers

What will you imagine about a pet fitness tracker? Will be similar to a fitness tracker for humans? Yes, the pet fitness tracker has the same basic function as the one for humans but it is specially made for dogs. The fitness tracker for humans is usually used for tracking the number of steps. It sounds silly to do the same thing for your pet dog because they will always walk and run.

However, the function will be more than that. That is why the introduction to veterinary technology will be pretty interesting.

Once pet fitness tracker brand can help owners to practice preventative health care to their dogs. This way, they will be able to find potential health issues before they appear as big problems for their car. The pet fitness tracker will analyze the activity, sleeping, scratching, and licking level of the pet for tracking the pet’s behavior and monitoring if there are any unexpected or sudden changes.

Many pet fitness trackers are also completed with other sophisticated features such as GPS trackers. To use this feature, some devices might need Wi-Fi but some others can work off the grip. This feature allows owners to locate their pets precisely as far as 3,000 miles away. Certain devices also come with motivation tactic since it features the leaderboard to compare the pet’s fitness statistics with other users. The devices are also offered in various colors and patterns.

3. Hyperbaric Chambers

It is said that pressurized oxygen is easier to be gathered by lungs instead of pure oxygen. It is beneficial for healing purposes, after all. To get the pressurized oxygen, you need to spend time in a hyperbaric chamber. Many former professional athletes use this technology to help them heal injuries and even brain trauma. The most important thing is that the same thing will work for pets as well. Many pet animals have been using the hyperbaric chamber for treating various problems from severe burns to paralysis.

4. Acupuncture Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is not a new thing, for sure. Laser technology has been used widely including for beauty treatment. Many celebrities use this technology for helping them get a younger skin look. It is also used for removing acne scars and tattoos. The great function of laser can also be found in veterinary technology. Lasers can be used for helping animals reduce pain and inflammation. Vets use this technology for treating arthritis, strained muscles, wound care, and even post-surgical incisions.

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5. 3D Printing Prosthetics

The new veterinary technology can make you amazed greatly. 3D printing is a great invention, for sure, but it is getting better since it can be used for printing prosthetics for your pet. The prosthetics will be perfectly tailored to meet the need of every animal. With this technology, birds with broken beaks can get a prosthetic replacement that can be suitable for them. It can also be used for printing jaws for sea turtles, and legs for dogs.

3D printing technology is also great for education and training in the veterinary world. It can be used for printing organs, bones, and even injuries. This way, students can practice surgical procedures in advance before they do the surgery for real. It will save cost and speed with limitless flexibility and designs. 3D printing is usually applied with some common materials such as stainless steel, ceramic, nylon, metal, and plastic. Nowadays, vets can even print using natural tissues.

6. VR Goggles for Pets

Virtual reality technology has been used in health services for humans. It is used for reducing anxiety during dental visits, and can helps patients to deal with common phobias when visiting health facilities. Another advantage is also great to help patients manage pain, and tt is also used to facilitate remote surgeries. what is veterinary technology can be more than we can imagine, after all. Many people might think that VR technology is used for entertainment purposes but it can also offer groundbreaking technology for pets’ health.

7. 3D Clinic Design Renderings

Since there are more and more pet owners who have a better awareness of their pet’s health, it seems that veterinary service is needed more and more. Nevertheless, the competition can be very tough. That is why a veterinary clinic should offer the best service including providing the best clinic design to attract more customers and make them feel comfortable when visiting the clinic with their pets.

Instead of imagining the overall look of the vet clinic in your mind, you can use 3D clinic design renderings to help you visualize the exterior and interior design of your vet clinic. It will help the clinic to know the cost they have to make to renovate or build the clinic.

8. AI-Powered Radiology

In the human medicine realm, artificial intelligence has brought a big wave. AI technology now can be found in veterinary technology too. Veterinary AI is used for helping vets predict a health condition and provide preventative treatment. It is also useful in the radiology specialty. Since the number of trained and qualified radiologists is decreasing while the demand for faster radiology reports is increasing, AI technology will bridge the gap.

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