5 Trends of Security Technology in 2021 to be Continuously Developed Next Year


Techdigitalweb – A good security system in real life is indeed very important. But along with the rapid development in digital technology currently, our virtual world needs to be secure as well. That’s why many systems are developed to protect the system from cyber-attacks. Personally, you may not really need that. But for companies, institutions, or organizations, cyber security technology is vital.

The year 2021 will be over soon and there are many important records regarding the security technology that need to take a look back. Some trends in 2021 are predicted to continue next year with improvements here and there. So, what are the trends? Here are the top 5 security technology trends you should know.

Artificial Intelligence

Security Technology

Artificial intelligence is not a new thing in recent years. It is defined as the imitation of human intelligence that is implemented in a device or tool. It enables the device to do jobs just like how humans can do. The technology has been implemented in so many sectors to ease people involved in doing their activities.

One of the sectors that use Artificial Intelligence as an important part is cyber security. So, how is the way the technology is implemented in this sector? Generally, it applies a method namely two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication works by confirming the user identity through 2 or more parameters.

Along with the two-factor authentication, there is also a method often called deep learning. Deep learning is used to process data analysis such as transactions, real-time communication, log, and others to detect threats or suspicious activities.

Both two-factor authentication and deep learning have been widely used in information security systems. The work of contemporary anti-virus and anti-malware also highly depends on the technology. Sure, they are continuously developed by seeing the fact that threats are also getting more dangerous.

Zero Trust Model

Just like the name, Zero Trust Model is a kind of cybersecurity that is based on a perception that every single part of a network is not 100% believable. In other words, our level of trust in the network must be none or zero. Consequently, there is no term like the external or internal network. There is also no safety zone in any cyber system.

Following the implementation of the Zero Trust Model, all parts or areas in a network must be full of the security system. All of them are risky enough to be attacked by threats such as viruses and malware. This way, the user or the operator will not stop monitoring and checking whether or not there is any trouble in the network. The security system will also be installed and upgraded to prevent any threat no matter how small it is.

Behavioral Analysis

Security Technology

Threats like hacks can be experienced by anyone and any platform anytime. Even a giant social media company has experienced it not long ago. It becomes a good lesson to all of us to always concern with the danger of data mining. To prevent such a thing to happen, it is very important to know and analyze the behavior of the users of our platform. Such actions are known as Behavioral Analysis.

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Behavioral analysis means the analysis process of the platform users. Generally, the technique uses social media and online advertisements to determine the characteristic of the audience. Patterns and activities of a network can be read and potencies of threats or hacks to the system are detected earlier and in real-time. Furthermore, the data obtained are used also to develop a more sophisticated cyber security system and technology.

Behavioral analysis is not a new thing. It has been implemented since a long ago for various purposes. The most common one is to determine marketing targets in a business.

Blockchain Cybersecurity

Blockchain is a transaction system that is currently developing very rapidly. It is considered more beneficial than conventional methods. Yes, blockchain is indeed safer, more transparent, and more affordable.

But although it is said to be safer, you must remember also that cybercrimes are also getting more dangerous. Therefore, implementing extra protection to Blockchain is a very important thing to protect all the data in it. The method of cybersecurity itself is not different from the way Blockchain works. Yes, the system is also peer-to-peer in a fundamental network. Everyone involved in Blockchain is responsible to verify the submitted data authenticity.

Besides, Blockchain also creates another new security system that is said to be perfect. Along with the artificial intelligence technology, it produces a very reliable verification system to prevent the resource from any virus or malware. It is interesting as the verification system in Blockchain security technology also applies the perspective of the Zero Trust Model. Well, it just multiplies the security layers Blockchain has.

Embedded Authentication Technology

Security Technology

The last security technology in the cyber world is known as an embedded authentication technology. The technology was born as a consequence of a fact that PIN and passwords are not enough to protect the hardware. So, the authentication technology is designed, produced, and embedded into the system that has been existed. It brings extra protection to the user of the device.

Currently, an embedded authenticator is produced in the form of a chip. The product is initiated and designed by the brand Intel and it is namely the Sixth-generation vPro Chips. The chip is claimed to protect the user even more with some revolutions with a multiple-level method.

The technology has still not been popular yet now. But it is predicted that in the future, it will be needed particularly by companies to run a new branch of business that relies on IoT technology utilization. The focus of embedded authentication technology is to be placed in hardware. It makes the technology the main key to guaranteeing the security of multiple IoT devices that are used by the company.

Aside from the security thing, the technology also brings some more benefits. It also controls the implementation of IoT in general and makes sure that the devices are used more effectively. From the business perspective, it is more profitable as the usage cost can be reduced.

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